10/07/03 |
Expectations Chemistry is often regarded by students as a difficult
to understand subject that they will seldom use in their adult life. The
previous statement unfortunately is generally true. Most students do not
understand chemistry not because of an inability to, but because of their
unwillingness to. In order to do well in this class, you must be committed
to working hard, paying attention, being present and punctual for class. If
you happen to miss class or lab it is solely YOUR responsibility to
seek find out what you have missed and make up the work in a timely fashion.
Missed exams and quizzes must be made up the day you return to class. If you
fail to make up the quiz or exam the day you return you will receive a zero
as a grade. It is also expected that you work 3-5 hours outside of class on
your own to become comfortable with the material presented in class.
Additionally, I am available for extra help generally everyday at various
times. Please do not hesitate to see me.
Follow the link below for helpful AP Chem Exam type questions. National Chemistry Olympiad Exams
This site was last updated 11/19/02